CRD® Braking System

Stromag CRD® braking system brings solutions for applications requiring a regulated deceleration, such as :

    • Belt conveyors
    • Mass transports : cableways, chairlifts, funiculars
    • Passengers elevators, ex.: Eiffel Tower in Paris.

The CRD braking system is composed of :

      • a CRD® module which can be integrated in a AFR5 enclosure
      • disc brakes (SIME Brakes)
      • a Hydraulic Power pack
      • speed tachometers

associated in a closed loop.

The required rate of deceleration is set on the CRD® module and deceleration of the equipment is regulated by the control of the caliper torque according to that rate.

The construction of the CRD® Braking System is modular and can be adapted to suit the customer requirements:

      • Deceleration is fully adjustable on-site
      • Regulated braking time may exceed 1 minute
      • Torque is controlled in case of mains power supply failure
      • Our modular control panels allows designs that fit particular specifications
      • Turn-key systems with on-site commissioning are part of Stromag

    service: feel free to consult us for more details.


Product Features